Orang yang sakit gigi manalah kita tahu yang dia sedang sakit gigi melainkan beliau ada memberitahu yang dia sedang sakit gigi kepada kita.
Kalau dia hanya diam saja memanglah orang fikir dia tidak sakit apa-apa. Lagipun orang yang sedang sakit gigi ni biasanya mereka masih boleh lagi gelak, bercakap, berjalan, berlari, p mandi dan sebagainya seperti orang lain yang tidak sakit apa-apa dan sudah tentu kita boleh jadi keliru samada dia tu sihat ke sakit.
Begitulah juga lebih kurangnya dengan apa yang sedang berlaku dengan Barisan Nasional Sarawak, nampak sihat walafiat namun hakikatnya mereka masih mengidap sakit gigi geraham sebelah bawah. Belum lagi sembuh sakit gigi geraham sebelah bawah, melarat pulak ke gigi taring sebelah atas.
Tapi BN masih boleh senyum dan kelihatan gigi putih bersih nampak tersusun rapi disebalik bibir tapi orang lain tidak tahu bahawa ada antara gigi yang sakit sebelah dalamnya perlu dicabut dan dikeluarkan supaya tidak menjadi punca barah gusi kepada BN Sarawak.
Krisis yang sekian lama berpanjangan di antara ADUN N.54 Pelagus(BN) iaitu YB Encik Larry S'ng Wei Shien dengan ADUN N.56 Baleh YB Datuk Sri James Jemut Masing yang juga merupakan salah seorang anggota kabinet kerajaan negeri adalah disebabkan berpunca dari insiden perebutan kuasa dalam Parti Rakyat Sarawak(PRS) membawa hingga kepada hari ini, belum lagi mampu untuk diselesaikan.
Pilihanraya negeri sudah semakin dekat dan sudah pasti Barisan Nasional negeri tiada masa yang cukup untuk menguruskan hal-hal yang sedemikian lagi dan keadaan ini pasti akan membuka ruang yang amat luas kepada pihak pembangkang untuk memainkan peranan mereka.
Terbaru pula adalah perbalahan lama antara Ahli Parlimen Igan(BN) YB Datuk Abdul Wahab Haji Dollah dengan ADUN N.38 Jemoreng(BN) sudah semakin tidak dapat dibendung lagi Datuk Abdul Wahab secara terbuka pada Majlis Tahun Baru Cina peringkat kawasan Parlimen Igan baru-baru ini telah mengesahkan bahawa beliau sudah bersedia sepenuhnya untuk dicalonkan sebagai wakil rakyat bagi kawasan DUN N.38 Jemoreng sekiranya mendapat persetujuan daripada Perdana Menteri YAB Datuk Seri Mohd Najib.
Datuk Abdul Wahab yang sejak dulu lagi yang kelihatan memang tidak sebulu dengan Ketua Menteri Sarawak YAB Pehin Sri Taib bila melibatkan banyak perkara menurut sumber-sumber yang rapat dengan beliau bahawa seandainya parti PBB enggan untuk meletakkan beliau bertanding dikawasan berkenaan maka beliau akan tetap juga untuk bertanding disitu sebagai calon bebas.
Inilah antara beberapa masalah dalaman melibatkan wakil rakyat Barisan Nasional yang patut diberi perhatian serius oleh Pehin Sri Taib. Mungkin beliau diakui mempunyai kuasa penentu kepada siapa yang layak atau tidak untuk bertanding di kawasan-kawasan yang tertentu tetapi ada satu perkara yang sering pemimpin ini lupa ialah yang akan memuktamadkan pilihan akhirnya adalah rakyat itu sendiri dan bukannya presiden parti atau pucuk pimpinan BN negeri.
Harap dengarlah juga kehendak rakyat sebab yang akan diwakili oleh seseorang wakil-wakil rakyat itu nanti adalah rakyat di kawasan dan bukannya pemimpin yang telah menentukan siapa yang patut atau tidak untuk menjadi wakil rakyat di kawasan berkenaan.
Kepada YB Datuk Sri James Jemut Masing serta sebilangan besar mereka pemimpin dalam parti PRS, kalau boleh dalam isu "YB Larry S'ng" ini buanglah sikap ego anda masing-masing dan tanamlah sikap saling maaf-bermaafan sesama anda demi perjuangan anak Sarawak yang belum selesai ini..'buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih' dan demi rakyat di Pelagus juga maka lupakanlah sengketa lama dan biarkanlah penduduk di Pelagus untuk menentukan siapa pemimpin yang mereka mahu untuk mewakili mereka di situ.
Pilihlah pemimpin bijaksana yang berani berkata tentang kebenaran. Tolak pemimpin munafiq yang hanya pandai berkata-kata.
Negarawan Terulung
Terima Kasih atas sokongan anda semua !
Ahad, Februari 20, 2011
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5 ulasan:
Part 1……
"....Huat Hui pointed out that Matu town’s 22 shop houses are old and dilapidated.
“We need capable and enterprising leaders like Wahab to transform the old wooden shop houses in Matu town to concrete buildings just like in Daro town to enhance our business and trading activities,” he said. - Borneo Post
Wahab was and is still Matu/Daro rep for the last 27 years. Yes for the last 27 years these 22 units of "old dilapidated pasar kayu of Matu" are still there until to this date!
The chinese of Matu want Wahab to transform these 22 units of "old dilapidated wooden buildings" to concrete buildings, because they believe that only Wahab, who is "capable & enterprising leader" can do magic with his wonderful wand .... chap..chap alakajam, there goes new transformed concrete buildings of Pasar Matu! Then forget about 27 years of past records!
The question is, the same Wahab bin Haji Dolah is their adun & now MP for last 27 years? What has he done? If Wahab failed to transform these shop houses into concrete building, what more to say about your present YB Abu Seman? Abu Seman just came into picture yesterday, so to say!
We can appreciate and be thankful to Wahab for giving away RM200,000 to help over come the chinese cemetery's problem, but we must NOT "over praised" him to much, and at the same time condemned your present YB Abu Seman for not doing "miracles" to these shop houses!
I doubt so much IF Wahab can transform Matu bazaar now, when he has ample of golden opportunity in the past 27 good years as adun & Menteri Muda & presently as MP, representing this area to do so!
Even as an MP, Wahab also failed his duty to speak representing his constituency in Parliament. As far as Hansards record is concerned, he only spoke twice in Parliament, i.e when he took oaths of allegiance to SPD Agong, as a parliamentarian.
...sambung part 2
Part 2....
Years back, when he was still a Menteri Muda, people in Matu/Daro want Wahab to stay put in Matu/Daro as their adun. But he insisted to go beyond Sarawak shore to Parliament in KL. The oppurtunity came to him, when he successfully engineered PBB of Belawai and Matu/Daro to oust Abg Abu Bakar Mustapha, MP for Kuala Rajang & a federal minister, from these 2 areas.
Thereby create a vacant seat as an MP and probably a full-federal minister to represent the Kuala Rejang parliamentary constituency! In no time Wahab seized the opportunity, and went around these areas to pressed Pehin Taib to nominate him as a candidate in the forth coming parliamentary election. But Pehin Taib had his own idea on suitable candidate. Taib picked Effendi Norwawi (adun Dalat) to contest in Kuala Rejang parliamentary seat and there after appointed a full-minister! From there on wards Wahab turned 'asam payak", and listed Effendi Norwawi as his "adversary".
But Effendy didn’t cling too long in his seat and for reason of health, he didin’t want to defend his parliamentary seat in the coming election. This gave Wahab another opportunity to become MP for Kuala Rejang, of which he won and at same time retain his dun seat of Matu/Daro. This time around, Wahab also had high expectation that he be appointed a full minister to replace Effendi in the federal cabinet. But things didn’t work that way in politics, Effendi’s post as a federal minister was taken over Datuk Adenan Haji Satem, his former senior boss in the state cabinet. Wahab felt frustrated and suspected that some one in PBB’ circle was scheming “something” to rob him of his opportunity to become a federal minister!
bersambung..... part 3
Part 3….. sambung
When state election was held in 2006, and the state constituency of Matu/Daro was split into 2 to create another new seat of N38 Jemoreng and N37 Daro. Being an MP, Wahab was advised not to defend his former seat of Matu/Daro, and thereby wanted to push his own nephew a former senior custom officer to become candidate, either in N37 Daro or N38 Jemoreng!
But for N38 Jemoreng seat, another local boy was interested to become full-pledged YB for the area and did his lobbying through his former university mate, Awang Tengah and with helping hand from Asfia to cable him with top brass in PBB. It seemed that Wahab was fighting alone to lobby this 2 seats for his nephew, and consequently, succumbed to pressure from the top that his candidate failed to fill up the vacant slots in his former state seat of Matu/Daro.
Dr Murni Suhaili was the candidate for N37 Daro, while Abu Seman Jahwi was nominated to present N38 Jemoreng. Both of them won the seats for BN.
It was an open secret that Wahab blamed Asfia and Awang Tengah for scheming to dislodge his “chosen-candidate” from the list of the candidates to represent N37 Daro & N38 Jemoreng! Things are not so sweet between Wahab and Asfia thereafter. At one time, Wahab complained that Asfia didn’t do his job as YB for N36 Semop and even brought along TV3 to highlight his point that Pulau Bruit is under-developed under Asfia. Asfia being adun for N36 Semop, oh the other hand said that he alone should not be blamed, as an MP for the area, Wahab should also shoulder this responsibility to develop the area both of them represented!
When the next parliamentary election was held in 2008, a new parliament seat of Igan was created, which accommodates N37 Daro & N38 Jemoreng. Wahab was retain as BN candidate for Igan parliamentary seat, giving way to Norah to contest in parliament seat of Kuala Rejang (now Tanjung Manis).
Winning of N38 Jemoreng’s seat by Abu Seman, doesn’t go down well with Wahab. Another problem cropped in N38 Jemoreng, that’s: who should lead the new Bahagian PBB N38 Jemoreng? Before the split of Matu/Daro dun seat, Bahagian PBB Matu/Daro, was headed by Wahab. After the split, the post of Ketua Bahagian PBB Daro was taken over by YB Dr. Murni, adun N38 Daro and whereas the post of Ketua Bahagian PBB N39 Jemoreng was given to Wahab, being MP for Igan as directed by Ibu Pejabat PBB and Abu Seman as his Timbalan Ketua Bahagian.
But things didn’t work that way! Wahab creates his “very own” version of PBB Bahagian N38 Jemoreng in a meeting PBB Bahagian N38 Jemoreng at Kingwood Hotel in Mukah, by appointing Haji Nawawi Rabani as his Timbalan Ketua Bahagian PBB, leaving Abu Seman (Ibu Pejabat PBB appointed-Timbalan) in the cold!
sambung part: 4...
Part 4:
This is a direct defiance to the directive issued by Ibu Pejabat PBB Kuching or Asfia in his capacity as “Pengerusi Tetap” PBB, whose responsibility is to oversee all PBB meetings! Abu Seman, being obedient to the directive by Asfia, considered himself as deputy Ketua Bahagian PBB N38 Jemoreng, but was not recognized and acknowledged by Wahab’s faction.
Thus, PBB N38 Jemoreng nowadays, has 2 Timbalan Ketua Bahagian (Abu & Nawawi) and 2 sets of Jawatankuasa of PBB Kaum Bapa, Wanita PBB and Pemuda PBB. But it seems that Ibu Pejabat PBB or the PBB President is silent on this, for whatever reasons that no one knows!
Logically, PBB doesn’t exist in N38 Jemoreng anymore. It seems now that N38 Jemoreng seats is open for all, if Pehin Taib does not intervene now or before this coming election. The voters of N38 Jemoreng wants Taib to spell out clearly once and for all who will be the rightful candidate for the area and most importantly, which set of Jawatankuasa Bahagian PBB is legitimate in N38 Jemoreng at this moment?
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